
How to Make Your Teen a Better Driver

May 04, 2017

Auto Ins

How to Make Your Teen a Better Driver

Putting a teenager behind the wheel of a car is a rather nervy thing for parents, and rightly so. It's important that parents set a good example so their kids can learn through good examples. 

Being a teenager is certainly an interesting time in everyone's life. You long for the freedom of adulthood without truly knowing what it is like to be an adult. Then when you get the freedom for which you longed, the responsibility that comes with it is rather humbling. When your teens get the opportunity to drive, it is up to you to help them become the best driver they can be. Here are a few tips on how you can make your teen a better driver.
  1. Create the Seat Belt Habit Early Ideally, you want to set this custom before they can even create long-term memories. As soon as you get in the car, it should be automatic for them. Seat belts reduce injury and can prevent fatalities.
  2. No Cellphones Distracted driving is dangerous and is responsible for 58 percent of all crashes involving teens. When your teen gets in the car, make sure that it is on silent and in the glove compartment or in the center console. It is incredibly important that you practice what you preach: if your kids see you on the phone while you drive, why should they put away theirs?
  3. Set a Good Example Monkey see monkey do. Children learn through example, so make sure that you set a good example when you drive. Be calm, put your seatbelt on, and put your phone away.
For all of your car coverage needs to help keep your teen protected, contact C.V. Mason Insurance Agency in Bristol, Connecticut. We will work with you to ensure you have the right amount of auto insurance coverage, all at the right price to fit your budget.