
How to Read a Certificate of Insurance Form

Dec 23, 2019

Business Commercial Insurance

How to Read a Certificate of Insurance Form

Understanding a certificate of insurance form or document.

  When two or more businesses work together, both want to be sure that working with each other won’t increase their legal liability. If your business hires vendors or subcontractors, you want assurance that hiring them won’t harm you financially. How do both parties put these concerns to rest? By requesting a certificate of liability insurance form. A Certificate of Insurance form, otherwise called an ACORD certificate of liability insurance form, is a unique document that establishes proof of insurance. It shows your liability insurance policies, coverage limits, and your policy effective dates. This shows everyone involved that you have adequate insurance. By obtaining a certificate of insurance form, your customers can close deals knowing that there is an insurance safety net in place. There is no standard format for a certificate of insurance form. Generally, it will list everything from the date of the insurance coverages to the limits of liability. When you are reading a form, here is what you need to look out for:
  • Ensure the business name on the form matches the vendor you thought you were hiring.
  • Verify that the policy expiration date does not come before the completion date of your project. If it does, you can ask the vendor to submit another Certificate of Insurance form confirming the policy’s renewal.
  • The company should have general liability insurance at the very least, as well as workers’ compensation insurance.
  • Determine that the vendor’s liability limits meet or exceed the limits on your own insurance. If they don’t, consider requiring the person to purchase additional insurance.
Do you have more questions regarding the Certificate of Insurance form or business insuranceContact the industry experts at C.V. Mason Insurance Agency in Bristol today to get started on tailored coverage.